Tagged with vivasight-dl

Airway Management and Anaesthesia

Intubation und Positionierung mit dem VivaSight-DL

64 views August 19, 2018

Der VivaSight-DL, ein innovativer Einweg-Doppellumentubus mit integrierter Kamera an der Spitze....

Airway Management and Anaesthesia

Intubation and final position of VivaSight-DL

25 views August 09, 2018

VivaSight-DL is the new generation of double lumen tubes with integrated camera providing...

Airway Management and Anaesthesia

Intubation and final position of VivaSight-DL

23 views July 08, 2018

VivaSight-DL is the new generation of double lumen tubes with integrated camera providing...

Airway Management and Anaesthesia

Intubation and final position of VivaSight-DL

21 views May 07, 2018

VivaSight-DL is the new generation of double lumen tubes with integrated camera providing...