Tagged with ambu


Ambu Manikin Wireless - Training Scenario:...

23 views October 06, 2009

The scenario is showing resuscitation in a realistic outdoor scenario. Wireless scenario 6. Visit...


Ambu Manikin Wireless - Training Scenario:...

33 views October 06, 2009

The scenario is showing a rescue of a CCT out of a burning building. Wireless scenario 8. Visit...


Ambu Manikin Wireless - Training Scenario: Car...

25 views October 06, 2009

The scenario is showing a rescue of a jammed CCT out a car. Wireless scenario 9. Visit...

Airway Management and Anaesthesia

Ambu AuraOnce - Laryngeal Mask - Demonstration

31 views March 03, 2009

AuraOnce's curve ensures that the patient's head remains in a natural supine position when the...